Brad Davison Chronicles: Part XXVIII

It’s a marathon edition of the Brad Davison Chronicles, so check back here all day long. Just know I’m still watching out for the grittiest, guttiest, deceptive speediest, Wes Welker-type, high-motored man in America and scouring the internet for people who have done him dirty. You’ve been warned. Tweet with caution.

All this Wisconson team does is win, and they do it by the heart and soul of Brad Davison. Another 6 points for the man and splashed 2 of his 7 shots from the floor. All around incredible performance with 4 rebounds and 4 assists in a win over Michigan.

Anti-Brad Davison tweets dwindle game by game, making this a much harder process than it has to be. But we continue on, we persevere.

Thanks to all who participated. Brad Davison Chronicles: Part XXVIII.

All it took this season was zero.

Worse than football games in late November against Ohio State?

Crap is almost always dirty. You don’t see the clean stuff much these days.

It happens. Eight teams lost to one of the best players on the best team in the Big Ten in Wisconsin’s final eight games.

Coronavirus doesn’t have the heart Brad Davison does. I got BD in a knockout.

Gotta leave it all on the court for a full 40, Kyle.

I missed the Big Ten awards show. Who ended up getting this one?

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