Brad Davison Chronicles: Part V

Look for the Brad Davison Chronicles the morning after every Wisconsin game. Just know I am going to be watching closely the grittiest, guttiest, deceptive speediest, We Welker-type, high-motored man in America and scour the internet for people who have done him dirty. You’ve been warned. Tweet with caution.

There was not a whole lot to choose for the Brad Davison Chronicles in Wisconsin’s win over UW-Green Bay. The Badgers went up big early and coasted for an 88-70 home win.

Brad Davison went for 15 points and 5 rebounds. He also went out with an ankle injury for a bit, but he’ll be alright.

I thought it was going to be a quick little write up, but then Davison got in the mix during the Wisconsin-Purdue football game with some very clever fans who all made the same joke.

Thanks to all who have participated. Brad Davison Chronicles: Part V.

I’m not sure I’d call Rylan Jones the best player in the sport just yet.

It’s Davison, don’t overthink this. Low man wins.

Aaron Hernandez and Tony Joiner. They were teammates at Florida. Both murdered people. Bush League.

Can you confirm he only punched the one nut? No contact with the other at all?

Keep the conference out of this, nark.


If you’ve ever seen a game involving Brad Davison, you’d know he played quarterback in high school.

Photo courtesy of

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