Brad Davison Chronicles: Part XXIII

It’s a marathon edition of the Brad Davison Chronicles, so check back here all day long. Just know I’m still watching out for the grittiest, guttiest, deceptive speediest, Wes Welker-type, high-motored man in America and scouring the internet for people who have done him dirty. You’ve been warned. Tweet with caution.

Coming off his one-game suspension, which we can all agree looking back was complete nonsense, Brad Davison returned to his home state in a border battle with Minnesota inside the Barn. I was fortunate enough to be in attendance for this one.

Couple thoughts on my first experience inside Williams Arena - student section and general seating were very loud and energized, beer is offered for about $700 per ounce and our section featured an asshole or 2, but that’s the way she goes sometimes.

Sure Wisconsin absolutely got their asses kicked, but they didn’t need this win as much as Minnesota. Sometimes the Badgers give them a game or 2 just to keep the rivalry somewhat relevant. For example in 2018, Wisconsin’s football team lost the axe for the first time since Washington was in office if I’m not mistaken. Then the next year when the Gophers had their best team ever, Wisconsin traveled over to Minneapolis to hammer them, destroying any hopes and dreams their fans ever had.

Brad Davison knew this wasn’t a needed game and maybe had an idea I had some cash on the under in this one. He did his part by missing all 3 field goal attempts. As unselfish as it gets.

Thanks to all who participated. Brad Davison Chronicles: Part XXIII.

Lots of boos, but Minnesota fans still should’ve given up on the season regardless.

I had the over 1.5 testicles. I was wrong this time, but I think ball-grab betting is an untapped market that needs to be legalized in all 50 states.

Thank you to Minnesota for creating Brad Davison, Nate Reuvers, Tyler Wahl, Mike Bruesewitz, Jared Berggren, Jordan Taylor, Jon Leuer as well as the 3 incoming recruits who decided to join the right side.

While Brad Davison absolutely is worthy of the honor, this wasn’t true. Henry Lake is not reliable with his breaking news coverage.

So pissed they canceled DoucheFest this summer. Damn you, coronavirus.

When was Marquette’s last NCAA Tournament win? Was it 2013? No way it could’ve been that long, could it?

I can’t speak for his family and friends, but I like Brad Davison, Dave.

Everybody in Wisconsin feels the same way. Refreshing when we can all agree on something.

When Minnesota wins 3 of its next 9 games, while Wisconsin wins its last 8.

Close out strong with some wise words from a wise man.