LSU football: Athletic department expects to lose $80 million due to COVID

lsu football

As we know, LSU football has not had its best season thus far and it does not look like it will be getting any better anytime soon. Having a late start to their season because of COVID-19 and losing a handful of its best players, its struggles certainly do not come as a surprise.

Not only has the 2020 football season been a difficult one for LSU, many other teams have struggled with some of the same issues. Although some teams may not be battling with a handful of losses like LSU, every other team has faced obstacles due to COVID-19.

According to the LSU athletic department, it is expected to lose $80 million in revenue because of the coronavirus. It is being forced to either lay off employees or reduce salaries of other employees. Employees who earn above an average salary of $80,000 are now expected to have a 5% decrease in their salary starting in 2021.

Additionally, the LSU athletic department will no longer be giving bonuses to coaches or staff members for one year. It also stated it will only approve new positions, promotions, salary adjustments and position replacements in essential situations through June 30, 2023.

Head coach Ed Orgeron’s $6 million salary will now be reduced by $300,000. While this probably does not affect his lifestyle at all, this is still a tremendous loss for him and the rest of the LSU football program.

In a postgame interview after LSU lost to Auburn, Orgeron said, “The thing I liked about it was they didn’t cut anything from our athletes. We’re traveling the same way, with the same amount of food. I think 5% is very generous. Some schools are going 10% or higher. I was very glad to do it.”

One of the main reasons for this financial cut has been caused by the lack of fans in the stands. Tiger Stadium has only allowed for a 25% capacity, which has cost millions of dollars for the athletic department.

During the 2018-19 football season, football ticket sales reached approximately $36,000,000 which is about 40% of the total revenue for the LSU football program.

Considering the current circumstances, this is the best thing the LSU athletic department can do for its athletes. If LSU decided to cut anything from its players, this would only make things worse for the team. These kinds of changes could potentially cause an even bigger struggle for players and their season could really end badly.

Thankfully, the LSU football players have been saved from this concern. While the strain of COVID-19 has made 2020 an exhausting year for the majority of people, hopefully next year will be better for everyone.

With great confidence, 2021 should be better. This season may not be a positive one for LSU, but it still has time to turn it around with just a little bit of hard work and dedication. If it fails to turn this season around, next year could potentially be better for them.

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