Meet Boston College, Rutgers football, Villanova basketball writer Bridget Hyland

Hi everyone! My name is Bridget Hyland, and my dream in life is to work in the news industry. I will be writing about Boston College football, Rutgers football, and Villanova basketball.

I’m a junior at Villanova University, which is objectively the best school in the U.S. Okay that’s just my opinion, but I really love it here. I’m a Communication major with specializations in Journalism and Media Production, and a minor in Political Science. One day, I really hope to work in broadcast news.

I essentially grew up at Saturday tailgates, My dad, a Rutgers football fan who has been to every single home game since 1990, dragged me along to watch them since I was a baby. So, even though Rutgers may not be the strongest team in the Big Ten (for now), I will always be a loyal fan. It’s in my blood, and I will love to fight people who criticize them in front of me. Now that their season is back on, I’m super excited to start writing about them soon and convince you all that they have lots of potential.

I have always had interests in both journalism and sports. Before college, I was a competitive softball pitcher. I loved being in the circle, in control of the ball. I think sports have an addicting feeling, and when you’re an athlete, you can really appreciate watching others compete. That’s why I would love to pursue a career where I can be both a journalist and a sports fan.

As a Villanova student and fan, I cannot wait to start writing about Villanova basketball. In addition to those posts, Taryn Ashby and I will be recording a weekly podcast previewing the season, talking about the incoming players, and reviewing Jay Wright’s suits.

If you want to contact me, my Instagram is @bridgethyland_ and my email address is