Meet Oklahoma football, basketball writer John Barry

Hi there!

My name is John Barry. I am an aspiring sports journalist at the University Of Oklahoma. I will be giving you Sooner football and basketball updates throughout the season as well as some inside scoops.

First, I’d like to tell you about myself to get a sense of who I am. I’ve grown up in Oklahoma all my life, which makes me a lifelong Sooner fan. My grandfather was the play-by-play announcer for the Sooners basketball and football team for 50 years while also a sportscaster at KFOR news station during the day. My uncle took over the sportscasting job at the news station after my grandfather retired and became the sportscaster for almost 30 years.

I have been around sports and journalism all my life. I do this because I genuinely enjoy the talks and debates on sports. Sports are my passion but here, I will focus on my favorite two: football and basketball. Times are crazy right now, but I will be giving you weekly updates once the seasons start. I hope you enjoy and feel free to contact me for any questions, comments, or if you just want to debate!

  • JB