Meet Tennessee football, Villanova basketball writer Taryn Ashby

Hello everyone! I am an aspiring journalist, Taryn Ashby. I will be writing for the Tennessee Vols football page and the Villanova Wildcat basketball page on

I was born in San Diego, California, but grew up in Pittston, Pennsylvania, about a 15-minute drive from Scranton; if you’re an Office fan, you know the city.

Currently, I am a senior at Villanova University. I am studying Communications with a specialization in Journalism. I have experienced writing, recording and editing news stories, writing articles about sports and news, and doing some radio recording and editing. I love covering the news, but my passion is sports. I have been a sports fan since I could remember. I played numerous different sports growing up, and I am currently a student-athlete at Villanova. I throw the javelin for the varsity Track & Field team, so I understand what it is like to be a college athlete.

This fall, I will be covering the Tennessee Vols football season. I chose the Vols because I have family that attends the University. A couple of years ago, I went to UT to visit my cousin, and I loved the atmosphere. From the Vol Walk to the stadium roaring “Rocky Top,” I was drawn to the environment. I am excited about the upcoming season, so keep a lookout for new articles.

I will also be covering Villanova basketball. I am exceptionally excited to cover this season because not only am I a student at Nova, but I love men’s college basketball. I think March Madness is one of the most exciting times of the year. The Wildcats are looking stronger than ever, and I am predicting an impressive season from Coach Wright and his team. Go Cats!

If you want to contact me, you can find me on Twitter @TarynAshby43 or Instagram @taryn_ashby.