Nebraska football vs. Kevin Warren: A war for football

nebraska football

The Big Ten announced its new conference-only schedule on Aug. 5. Six days after the schedule was released the conference postponed its college football season in hopes of beginning the season in the spring of 2021. First of all, let’s be real, the concept of “postponing” the season was never going to happen. The Big Ten canceled its 2020 season. The likelihood of a spring football season is slim to none.

Even before the cancellation was made, the Nebraska athletic department was against the idea of a spring season. On Aug. 10, head coach Scott Frost stood on the podium and voiced his displeasure with where the direction the Big Ten conference was headed.

“We want to play a Big Ten schedule,” Frost said. He also stated the Huskers would be “prepared to look for other options” if the season was canceled.

Some of the university’s top officials voiced their support for Frost, creating a unified administration voicing its support for the Huskers to seek out their own 2020 football season. Players and coaches, throughout the conference stood together, wanted the same thing - to play Big Ten football in 2020.

On Aug. 11, the season was canceled, and Nebraska began their search. Big Ten Commissioner Kevin Warren was brought forth to explain the meaning behind the cancellation. When asked about whether or not Nebraska could seek out its own 2020 schedule, Warren was quoted with saying, “Not as a member of the Big Ten Conference.”

Then the media storm began.

Desmond Howard of all people began speaking out against Nebraska football wanting a “formal apology” to the conference. Howard made claims against the Huskers saying seeking their own schedule is unacceptable and they should be kicked out of the conference.

Media outlets began preaching a possible return to the Big 12 for the Huskers. But, why would the university return to a conference that had not changed its ways since the split back in 2011? This rumor floated around the internet for a number of days before finally being shut down by the university, which then pledged their allegiance to the conference.

Shortly after the university accepted the fall season cancellation, parents from around the Big Ten began to speak out for their sons. Parents of Nebraska players even threatened to sue the conference over accusations that a vote never took place to postpone the season. Thus forming a band of athletes and their parents in support of a common goal - to put the Big Ten fall season back on everyone’s calendars.

It has now been 36 days since the Big Ten canceled its fall season. In these 36 days, businesses once swarming with football fans have closed down, universities have been forced to cut athletic programs and large numbers of staff and faculty have lost their jobs. All because the Big Ten canceled its season.

However, on Sept. 13, a new hope appeared. Rumors of a possible revote to the cancellation of the fall season began making its way through the conference. Then two days later came a breakthrough. Nebraska’s president Ted Carter, while being set up to a hot mic said there would be an announcement that following evening regarding the Huskers and fall sports season.

Ted Carter’s prediction has not to come to pass… yet, and there continues to be plenty of optimism heading into the coming days. The pressure from schools, parents, players, as well as a successful start to the season by the participating conferences must have gotten to Warren and the other conference leaders. If the season continues to be canceled, the long-term effects would be unfathomable. The conference, the businesses and the community would not recover for many years.

Many outlets are saying Oct. 17 is the most likely start date. Emotions are at an all-time high, and the outcome of this revote could spell either disaster or triumph for the teams of the Big Ten Conference. Let’s hope the conference’s presidents and chancellors do the right thing and fixes this awful mess. Nebraska football will be kicking off in the very near future, and we will be able to hear “Sirius” echoing throughout Nebraska once more.

GO BIG RED! Lets play football

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