It’s a marathon edition of the Brad Davison Chronicles, so check back here all day long. Just know I’m still watching out for the grittiest, guttiest, deceptive speediest, Wes Welker-type, high-motored man in America and scouring the internet for people who have done him dirty. You’ve been warned. Tweet with caution.
Brad Davison followed a 30-point performance with another spectacular display of basketball prowess, knocking down three 3-pointers for 13 points to beat Purdue. Badgers won by 4, Davison scored 13. Safe to say he was the reason for the victory.
Wisconsin made all 8 free throws in the final 29 seconds, and my boy was 4-for-4 to seal the victory. Fundamentals are still alive and well, folks.
Thanks to all who participated. Brad Davison Chronicles: Part XXVI.
Blocked. And reported.
So far, you’re not getting blocked simply because of your Brad Davison hate ?.
— Nadine Babu (@NadineBabu) February 16, 2020
This never happened. Brad Davison never got a technical for the new anti-flopping rule.
Well anyway the important thing is Brad Davison got t’d up with this rule before they all decided to forget about it
— Steven (@akulawolf) February 16, 2020
Looks like the Boilermakers should’ve worn their parkas because Brad Davison was RAINING threes. I hate myself.
Brad Davison?
Hope the Boilermakers are wearing their cups.
— Kyle Charters (@KyleCharters79) February 19, 2020
You try carrying an entire team, school, city, state, country, continent and planet on your back. It gets tiring.
brad davison finally makes a bucket and asks for a break ?
— no limit shackett (@MatthewShackett) February 19, 2020
Grayson Allen is 6-foot-4. Brad Davison is 6-foot-4.
okay im fine with that take. dudes just a 4 foot tall Grayson Allen imo. you know he has that face you wanna punch bro don’t lie ?
— Ev Walberg (@TheRealBigEvski) February 19, 2020
Show me where in the rule book it says crotch reaching isn’t allowed.
On different plays this game, I saw Brad Davison reach for the crotch of dunking Aaron Wheeler and try to trip Tre Williams.
— Eddie Bajek (@ebajek85) February 19, 2020
Love when athletes push themselves to one day reach all their goals and fulfill their dreams.
Kyle Lowry is just wannabe Brad Davison
— David Wilson (@DBWilson2) February 17, 2020
Psychotic behavior. Arrest this cat immediately because we’re not sure what else they’re capable of.
Please help me reach my goal ??
If I can raise $50k, I will run on the court of the next Wisconsin home game, and punch Brad Davison in his stupid face
— Catrick Corona (@meowhomes) February 19, 2020
I know “stick to sports,” but this has a massive impact on my vote in the upcoming election.
BREAKING: Trump has also pardoned disgraced Wisconsin guard Brad Davison.
— Hawkeyes and Cobbles SZN (@PV_GIA) February 18, 2020
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