Meet Pitt football writer Dalton Miller

Hello all. My name is Dalton Miller and I am a senior at the University of Pittsburgh majoring in English Writing and minoring in Classics.

I grew up on the other side of Pennsylvania rooting for Philly sports teams, with about zero interest in Pitt sports or any of the pro teams in Pittsburgh for that matter. Upon arriving at Pitt, I immediately had a passion for Pitt athletics and of course, a hatred for all things Penn State. Although both the football and basketball teams were struggling a lot when I arrived here in 2017, I was still attending almost every game. I stuck by my Panthers through those rough times and now I feel optimistic that those years are behind us and it is finally time for Pitt to climb to the top of some polls.

In terms of my interest in sports media, I’ve always loved everything about it, whether it was watching First Take or listening to Mike and Mike or reading articles while I was supposed to be paying attention in class, I was always taking in sports content.

Although I always loved talking sports and watching sports, I never really considered it as more than just something to do for fun. As I got older, I realized that I just loved sports too much and I had to pursue a career in sports media. I switched my major in my sophomore year and began writing for my school paper, The Pitt News, in my junior year.

Now, here I am as a senior with this incredible opportunity to work with Deceptive Speed and cover this amazing Pitt football team. I can’t wait to start getting some Pitt football content out for you guys and as always, HAIL TO PITT!