Jalen Rose is mad we don’t call Lamar Jackson sexy

2020 is just a few weeks old, but it's possible we have an early candidate for the tweet of the year with the absolute fire brought by Jalen Rose over the weekend. Not enough people are calling Lamar Jackson attractive and he's got something to say about it. It’s lazy how the media constantly refers to Jimmy G’s appearance. Why not do the same for Lamar?? — Jalen Rose (@JalenRose) January 19, 2020 I have 26 years of heterosexuality under my belt but I'll be damned if Jimmy Garoppolo isn't among the sexiest men on the planet regardless of gender. Lamar Jackson? I don't know, to me he's just an average looking fella who was awesome at Louisville and is very good at

Q&A with viral Colgate mascot

In case you’re living under a rock (or if you don’t spend your whole day on the internet like me), a video is going viral of a Colgate University mascot getting the Raider faithful FIRED UP during a women’s basketball game against Loyola. one time i was my college’s mascot for a basketball game. emphasis on one time pic.twitter.com/N2nULbpNlA — shosh (@shoshmcgosh) January 22, 2020 The edited Snapchat video with now 8 million views on Twitter was actually from February 2018 when now-graduated Shoshi Stern-Robbins was a junior at Colgate in her first and last performance as the Raider mascot. As we continue to be the most trusted news source in college athletics, we have an exclusive interview with Shoshi, the viral mascot. So how

Coach K hates education

Just months ago, Zion Williamson wanted to further his education at Duke University before Coach K put an end to that discussion. He had a fine NBA debut, but I have big concerns moving forward as he goes through his NBA career without the proper knowledge needed to survive in today's workforce. If he needs to identify where to go in a triangle offense, will he know the degree of angles surrounding him? What is his protractor experience? Can he hit the high notes as we all learned in music appreciation 101? And how deep is his understanding of art history? Every one of these examples is what us college-educated Americans need every single day no matter the career choice. The sad

Why are sports fights legal?

Last night's Kansas-Kansas State basketball game ended with an all-out brawl, highlighted by Silvio De Sousa grabbing a chair. He was ready to smack people around with it before somebody knocked it away as he was in his backswing. While the chair never connected with anybody, plenty of punches landed. Seth Greenberg went on TV and said De Sousa should receive criminal charges. Charging just one guy in an all-out brawl seems aggressive, but I've always been fascinated by this idea that fighting during a sport is hardly ever looked at as a crime. Jim Sorgi This idea popped into my head at a young age when I was just a 10-year-old kid watching a Wisconsin-Ohio State football game on Oct. 11, 2003.

Gary Andersen is a quarterback killer

Year 1 in the second Gary Andersen tenure for Utah State has been such a disappointment, capped off by Friday night's loss to Kent State in the Frisco Bowl to finish 7-6 for a team that won 11 games in 2018 and returned an NFL prospect at quarterback. Andersen's offenses are the final resting place where the game's most important position goes to die. The latest victim is Jordan Love. Love had a fantastic 2018 season, completing 64% of his passes for 3,567 yards with 32 touchdowns and six interceptions, leading the Aggies to a bowl win. Enter Gary Andersen, the quarterback Grim Reaper. Love had more turnovers than touchdown passes leading up to the bowl game this season with numbers dropping in

Circle game is under attack

On Saturday, ESPN's College GameDay was in Philadelphia for the annual Army-Navy Game and in the background behind Rece Davis, cadets and midshipmen played the popular circle game, sparking outrage on social media. As a former ROTC cadet, this display of white supremacy is inexcusable. It contradicts the Army & Navy core values. It’s indicative of toxic leadership & lack there of, which is another reason I support @PeteButtigieg to bring integrity back to leadership.pic.twitter.com/Z7K6gRreDu — Winston Orozco (@WinstonOrozco_1) December 15, 2019 This moment created such a firestorm on Twitter that an investigation was launched by the U.S. Military Academy. In the end, it was announced on Friday the investigation is over and the people involved were just playing the circle game. They were

Robbie Kelley was robbed of a Heisman

robbie kelley heisman

Congrats to Joe Burrow for getting the necessary votes to be this year's Heisman Trophy winner even though he was certainly NOT MY Heisman. And no, I would not have even given college football's most prestigious honor to Chase Young, Justin Fields or Jalen Hurts. Now that the Heisman has been decided, we're free to discuss who we voted for, and I went with Akron quarterback Robbie Kelley. 2019 wasn't exactly the best season for the Zips, who finished 0-12 including 1-11 against the spread, but the fan voters saw past the record and noticed a quality Heisman candidate. He first caught my eye when he was picking up steam with the fan vote as part of the #RKelleyForHeisman social media

Jalen Hurts is NOT MY Heisman

I've been forced to find jokes for the NOT MY Heisman campaign with candidates Joe Burrow, Chase Young and Justin Fields. But with Jalen Hurts, it's not all that difficult. He's been a problem for Oklahoma in the past month and is very fortunate the Sooners still have a chance at a title. And because of that, Jalen Hurts is NOT MY Heisman. Coming into the season, it seemed like we all agreed Hurts winning the Heisman would be the best story in college football. From the starter of the best team to being benched in the title game to Heisman winner? It's a comeback story you could make a movie out of. We wanted to see it happen, but it feels like

Justin Fields is NOT MY Heisman

A wise man once said, "Quitting is for those who do not win Heisman Trophies." (IMPORTANT: I just made that up, and I'm not that wise of a man). Justin Fields' stats are incredible with 40 touchdowns and one interception, but how loyal is he to teams he plays for? I have my doubts, which is why Justin Fields is NOT MY Heisman. After playing at Georgia for one season, Fields transferred and was granted immediate eligibility for whatever reason to play for Ohio State. He's played with two teams in the last two seasons and if you consider he is no longer on his high school football or baseball teams, he left three teams in just over a calendar year. Fields is

Chase Young is NOT MY Heisman

The case of Chase Young is one Heisman voters must've struggled with the past month. When you search the Heisman Trophy on Wikipedia, which has never been inaccurate to my knowledge, it reads the Heisman is given to the person who meets this criteria: "Outstanding performance which best exhibits the pursuit of excellence with integrity. Winners epitomize great ability combined with diligence, perseverance, and hard work." Given that explanation, Chase Young is NOT MY Heisman. It's that "integrity" part of the Heisman criteria that I'm just struggling with the most as I decide what to do with my Heisman vote (NOTE: I do not have a Heisman vote). The fact is Young was suspended from competition this season for the disgusting act of taking